Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Son ,My Mircale

Its been a little bit since I last posted hasnt it?
well to start I am not in the 2WW for those of you that dont know what that means it is refering to the Two week wait for Aunt flow to show....... I went to the RE last week on Friday and was given my Trigger shot and 3 days before I was told I had 2 good follies one on each side I am just praying this time at least 1 takes, all I am asking is Just 1.
Other things happening around here I had Bryan's IEP meeting and He will get moved next year into a kindergarten setting with more teachers less kids and will still get his Speech therapy, OT therapy and Physical therapy, I was glad to hear he will be taken into the Regular Kindergarten rooms ( ok I found that kind of obnoxious Regular/Normal) and get to do art center, Music time and some of the seat work he will however always have A teacher with him to keep him in his seat make sure he dose not hurt another child or become disruptive,if he does they will remove him from the class and take him back to the other room.....he will also get to go on the Field trips to the pumpkin patch and his Kindergarten Graduation, I am so happy that he is progressing he is speaking and blossoming and it is truly a mircale to witness this my boy who went from saying nothing more then No and dada to speaking to me telling me he loves me. Of course there is the Mom part of me that still thinks it is so unfair that he has to struggle to learn these things, and I wonder if he will ever get to be in a regular class setting without someone hovering over him will he ever get to be like the other kids running around playing and socializeing? or will the Autism hold him back and keep him from being able to interact with other kids? I pray each night that he will prove everyone wrong and just be him happy whole and complete but I guess you could say he already is Whole and Complete he is exactly who god intended him to be and perhaps I should accept that and thank him for this precious boy who I get to see achevie big things daily and I witness mircales through each day.

Friday, March 13, 2009

No Longer Unexplained Infertility

So finally after Months of waiting and then more waiting for a cyst to go away I am on a Medicated
cycle yes thats right please dont faint! I know I wanted too! this cycle I took Femara and later this week I will take an Injection of Bravelle and then wait for my ultrasound and pray we have a couple good eggs,and that we manage to catch one and be blessed with baby #5!
Of course when I went into my RE for my baseline u/s I mentioned (on suggestion of my Friend)
that I thought maybe I could have Pcos and Imagine my surprise when I was told that not only did I have Pcos but that they diagnosied that a year ago, but for whatever reason someone failed to tell me this, I was a bit irratated but glad to know too! that these Long Annov cycles, the painfull periods and the persistant cysts are not because I am crazy but because I have an actual diagnosiable problem! so For now we wait and see how this cycle will pan out and pray that this is the last one I ever have to do.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jamine's MRI and a Rant

Well its been a bit since I have written here time just gets away from me.Jazmine had Her MRI finally and I am waiting for the Results of that and to find out where they will send her I have been told now that it will either be UCSF or UC Davis.... I really want this to be taken care of and done. Of course if we are sent to SF we were going to stay with a friend of mine there but I wont be doing that now I found out that Friend Betrayed my trust, my girls Bio dad has nothing to do with them he gave them up when they were 4 and 1 yr well I found out that this friend of mine was telling them information about Jazmine (Bio dad's family) her neck ect and these things were not to be told to them its none of there buissness I know you are probably thinking how could I be so cold not to include them, so I guess I will give a little backround on him and his family, they are the type of people who use someone play on there sympathy to get what they can and when they get found out the drop that person and move to the next 8 yrs they have not bothered to be involved with the girls except when they got a wild hair and decided that now was a good time to butt in, of course I put my foot down and said no more especially when they began defending the actions of the Bio dad, just so many things wrong with them and I dont want them any where near the girls, after all where was he when they had a belly ache or skinned there knee or the first day of school.......sure as heck not here helping them being a dad nope he tucked his tail and Ran! So I am Angry no make the IRATE that this so called Friend of mine had the nerve to go behind my back and give them information they have no right to!