So its been awhile again since I have been here, of course with 4 kids, and being pregnant with #5 makes finding that time to sit and type a bit harder to come by..... Nothing really big to update about. All the kids are doing well in school, Bryan is talking counting and singing his ABC's now totally amazes me, he can now spell his first name and when asked tell you his full name, quite a big deal for a boy that just 3months ago when asked his name would say NAME! and that was it, All the kids know we are expecting a new brother or sister in Late March and we have 1 for a sister 3 for a brother lol can you guess which of my girls wants the brother so she doesnt have to share her room some more???? Bryan if you ask him he will tell you every time that there is a Baby Brother in mommy's tummy....he may be on to something but we wont know for sure in till baby gets here.
I did talk to my High risk OB about having a VBA2C and much to my shock he said that he didnt see why I couldnt but wanted to run it by another doctor in the practice so as long as both agree and baby is small enough we are talking under 7lbs 14oz I can go ahead and try for a natural birth,I feel like I can quite dreading my Due Date now, cause while giving birth is a wonderful event I hate the anticpation of what is to come knowing it will be c-section. Time is going by Far to quickly for me with the pregnancy though so many more things I still have left to do and so little time to get it done in.....really need to get my self in gear and finish. so thats about it for now ill have to get the new pictures of the baby up from my last Doc vist, and some of the kids.