Monday, August 6, 2007

A begining Peek Into my Life

So this is my First attempt at blogging I figured it was time for me to have a place to write down all
the funny things, or things I find funny down and the day to day going's on in my home. to start I have 4 kids, Jazmine 9, Danielle 6, Matthew 5 and Bryan 3. Add to that two Doxie's who think they are people and a husband who is teriffic but is at times like another child.
Yesterday was Jazmine's Birthday she had a ball and recived more presents then I know where to put,of course while Bryan (my husband) was out BBQ for everyone we came to the subject of the cat we werent exactly sure where he had gone yet again and as if to answer my question he popped his Head and front paws from under the house quite and amusing sight.
All the kids are excited for school to start but I dont think any of them are as anxious as I am, I love having them home for the summer and enjoy every moment I spend with them but I appreciate having the time to just me to clean or do whatever else needs to be done. This year has over all has been alright it started off hard for me and my husband , but has sense improved we decided to add another additon to our family but have yet to succed my son Matthew is convinced that we will have 2 sister babies by christmas time and nothing I can say or do will change his mind, he is totally set on a sister and I have been informed by him that no Brother babies can be brought home! I love the way there little minds work. Little bryan now he is a kick we have been working with him on talking as he has a speech Delay and yesterday my Husband was trying to get him to say Daddy well that didnt go over quite as Daddy expected after a few minutes Bryan pointed to daddy and Proclaimed him Poopy!! well it was a word right? not the one looked for but a word. So ok this is the first post I hope you enjoyed the first peek into my life


Helene said...

Hi Veronica, not sure if it is just me but i cant read this post, it is just symbols. Maybe my pc doesnt support the font you were using.
The later entries are fine though, off to read them now :-)

Helene said...

Veronica, thats better, i can read it now lol
Oh i had to laugh at the 'poopy' word i must admit ive called my dh worse on occasion lol
I hadnt realised you'd named your youngest after your husband, i must have missed that :-)