So Im begining to think that I am in the middle of some sick cosmic joke, or maybe I did something to piss god off? Though As much as I try to figure out how I may have done that i cant think of a reason, Maybe I wasnt kind enough to my family? or maybe I wronged someone along the way?and so to punish me for this I am no longer able to have babies. I think back to when I was a little girl and when I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew I up I proudly announced that I wanted to be a Mommy! and I was going to have lots of kids. well I have done that my dream never changed.all I am asking is to be blessed with one more child one more blessing. but I am starting to think no one is listening. what do I do to get someone to listen how do I kick this body of mine back into working?????
I have Hope though that it can be done,one of my Friends in the Internet world is now pregnant with a baby about 3months along and for a long time she didnt think it would happen for her that maybe her eggs were to old but they werent and early next year she will be holding her little blessing, so Maybe I can do it too? Just keep trying at this and praying that it works but at the same time I cant help but wonder if I just am not ment to have that 5th baby?
1 comment:
Ronnie, my heart is breaking for you at the moment but I really do believe that your time will come and your one more blessing will be yours but for the time being please use this tool as a way to help get through the sadness, madness and the blessings you have already received. I know if it weren't for my blog I wouldn't be as happy and content as I am now. Capture every moment every bad day. This is something you can work through and with everything it will help pass the time and before you know it you will be holding that fifth dream in your arms. Thinking of you and never far away
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