It had been 2 yrs now since I had my first loss and when I woke this morning I felt like it
was just yesterday that I had lost my precious baby........ I know that things get better but I
never thought that 2yrs later I would still have that empty hole in my heart. I still think of
the baby I lost and wonder boy or girl blonde hair or Brown, blue eyes or Brown? how would
there little personality have fit into our family.....of course I dont know these things and I never
will........I seem to be the only one that remebers today. my husband doesnt even recall....I guess I
cant fault him for that he is after all a guy and never been pregnant so I cant expect him to remeber things like this it doesnt hurt him the way it does me. So to my Dear sweet baby waiting
for me I miss you I love you and someday we will be together again.....
Huge hugs to you hun and your sweet little Dana, i'm thinking about you both.
She and caitlin can play together until we all meet again!
Helene x
Oh Ronnie, I don't know how I missed this post but I am so sorry and I know your beautiful child will be in your arms soon. Thinking of you xxx
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