Friday, March 13, 2009

No Longer Unexplained Infertility

So finally after Months of waiting and then more waiting for a cyst to go away I am on a Medicated
cycle yes thats right please dont faint! I know I wanted too! this cycle I took Femara and later this week I will take an Injection of Bravelle and then wait for my ultrasound and pray we have a couple good eggs,and that we manage to catch one and be blessed with baby #5!
Of course when I went into my RE for my baseline u/s I mentioned (on suggestion of my Friend)
that I thought maybe I could have Pcos and Imagine my surprise when I was told that not only did I have Pcos but that they diagnosied that a year ago, but for whatever reason someone failed to tell me this, I was a bit irratated but glad to know too! that these Long Annov cycles, the painfull periods and the persistant cysts are not because I am crazy but because I have an actual diagnosiable problem! so For now we wait and see how this cycle will pan out and pray that this is the last one I ever have to do.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I followed your blog from Cassandra's blog. Nice to meet you.
Glad to hear they've found out what's going on. Praying you get #5 soon;D I had a bunch of stuff going on after my last baby but now we're praying to be blessed again with #5 if it's the Lord's will. Nice to meet another mommy ;D