Well I left off last time with my News about having celiac, since then I have lost 8lbs now!
this is amazing for me since i have beat my head on the brick wall of wieght loss just to be mocked by my body and its refusal to let any of it go! well since I have taken gluten out of my diet the wieght is just falling off I have not changed anything i do in my day to day things its just going.
We as a family are hanging in a Limbo land right now we recently were told the people who own the home we are renting are going to be selling the house.....now we had it all set with our realtor to move to another rental I must admit i was in tears over this as both the houses she had I HATED! but then we found out that the owners have not yet filed there papers and will not let us out of the lease just yet so now we sit and wait for them to file the papers or for a forcloser notice to get slapped on the door before we can do anything. This I have to say Sucks! we feel somewhat betrayed and feel like they are only keeping us here to get as much money as they can before they lose there house completley I say betrayed because when we were going to rent the home we were told that as long as we kept the house in good shape and paied our rent on time we would have a place to live unless they moved back to this state well this obviously was a lie..........
Kids well they are all doing well
Jazmine has hit boy crazy stage and I dont know how i am going to survive this one I just take her one day at a time and PRAY alot!
Danielle is doing well her reading is improving and she is learning to play guitar, for christmas we got her, her own guitar so she can practice at home.
Matthew is doing well too he is a straight A student and he is loving his cub scout den he is looking forward to the up coming pinewood derby
Bryan he is doing well we have our days with him where i believe i may just lose my mind! he has gotten alot worse about being repeative on what he wants he just says it over and over and over, water fear I thought we had left that behind us but that was 1 step forward about 10backwards! He still screams, and now has added in the fun of doing everything to avoid it he puts his jammies on in hopes of not having to.......school though he is doing better though he still has his days where he does not want to do his work so his aide has come up with ways to help him understand more that if he does not then there are concequenses to all of that......
Couper ahh my lil man he is almost 2yrs old the time has flown with him! he is talking quite well and I am relieved to see he is not showing any signs of autism I know that sounds bad that i was looking for it but once it happens you just cant help but worry for any kids that follow....
so thats about it for this update so busy in life as you can see......
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